Here is a useful handicraft project to make with things lying around the house. You will need:
A cat who likes being groomed.
Failing that, a cat who hates being groomed, some chain mail gauntlets, TCP and lots of bandages.
Sticky-backed plastic (or sellotape)
Cling film
Some scrap card or thick paper (the postman helpfully delivers loads to us every day)
A drawer full of oddments (see later)
Step one is to collect large amounts of cat fur. A mad-cat-lady biscuit tin was employed for this purpose, while I muttered "It puts the cat fur in the tin, or else it gets the brush again!"
Step two is to make the cat fur into felt. There are loads of instructions online, and it's really easy, so I shan't bother to type them up again. Tim got me this book for my birthday (and has apologised profusely to the cats ever since). I recommend reading (a) the most helpful customer review on that page, and (b) the "look inside" bit of the book which actually contains the full instructions.
Once you have made your finger puppet, raid your drawer of oddments for suitable beads, sequins and mini bells (left over from the 1990s - when I used to plait them into my hair. I have no excuse, other than it being the 90s), and apply them with glue.
And voila! Cat-fur cat finger puppet!
Ohai! You look familiar! |
Hanging with my new best bud. |